• Dedicated Customer Success Manager
  • Cost effective ready-made site
  • Grow and scale quickly

Our Ready-Made e-Commerce Site

Smart & professional ecommerce, done simply


Qala gives you a high quality and complete Ecommerce solution at a low cost. This is a showcase site for Qala which is also a fully-functioning shop.

Created with Qala


Equestrian Stockholm by Qala


Estelle & Thild by Qala


Ankarsrum by Qala

Clients’ favourites

Check out our custom-built modules that takes your e-commerce store to the next level


Go international

Qala is optimised for international WooCommerce sites, giving you the tools you need to run effective internationalised ecommerce.

Single Admin

Decrease manual handling time by syncing product data. When you make a change on one site, it changes across all connected multisites


Qala Multimarket helps make sure your customers are always on the right localisation of your store


Optimal performance

Qala takes a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to ensuring good performance.


Makes the website faster for users and your site score more highly with Google Core Web Vitals, saving your editorial team time by offloading image processing

Cloudflare Stream

A visitor loading a page with Cloudflare Stream-powered video will receive a smooth and fast video experience


Flexible Page Builder

Effective marketing needs store managers to be able to add/edit/remove content on their site without the need for developers.

Qala Gutenberg Blocks

Add even more power and flexibility to your admin users with our incredible page-building experience 

Qala Gutenberg Patterns

Create content fast by turning block layouts you use regularly into patterns

Easy to manage

Change content on your site without the need for developers. This is critical to effective digital marketing operations

Mix and Match Blocks

Play with our Qala blocks to build the perfect match

Scalable Growth

We have grown our clients to a record of 26 orders/sec

No Coding Required

Edit your content easily with drag and drop


Features specifically designed to help you go international

What our client’s say

Letting people have the freedom to manage their sites, and as a consequence get more engaged in developing content for the sites, is important for us, as is our quality control function alongside that.

Danny Plunkett Head of Content & Creative, PLAN INTERNATIONAL

Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.

Sandra Bullock Actress

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Sed porttitor lectus nibh.

Tom Hanks Actor

Ready to get the ball rolling?

Setup a call. Let’s discuss your next project.
